Published On: November 21, 2022935 words4.7 min read

What are the specific hazards of smoking? Maybe everyone can tell one or two points about this problem. However, everyone knows the hazards. For smokers, they should smoke or smoke again.


What’s the difference between marijuana and tobacco that doctors talk about every day?

Why do they have different lives?
1.Cigarettes cause cancer. How about marijuana?

The damage to health caused by smoking has been recorded in detail. Smokers have higher risk of lung cancer, heart disease, emphysema, hypertension and other diseases than non-smokers.

Cannabis contains about 50-70% more carcinogenic hydrocarbons than cigarette smoke, so it may cause cancer. However, Dr. Donald Tashkin, a medical professor at the David Geffen Medical School of the University of California, USA, has conducted a series of studies and found that the use of cannabis has nothing to do with the increase of lung cancer, head, neck and other cancers, because the chemical substances in cannabis plants can kill cells before cell cancer changes.


2.Cigarette kills. how’s marijuana?

In addition to the cases of death caused by smoking in China, more than 400000 people die each year in the United States alone because of tobacco.

There are no cases of death caused by cannabis in the world.

Even though many countries in the world recognize marijuana as a kind of drug, it is still unable to prove that marijuana is more harmful than cigarettes in medicine.

Is there a substance that can replace marijuana and cigarettes?


In fact, there is another kind of substance in the world, which is legal and healthy. It can replace marijuana and cigarettes, and it has all the senses of cigarettes.

It is the CBD electronic cigarette(cbd disposable vape pens).

CBD disposable pod OEM ODM


E-cigarettes are mainly used to quit smoking and replace cigarettes. E-cigarettes do not contain tar, suspended particles and other harmful components in cigarettes. They have the same appearance and taste as cigarettes, and can also smoke, taste and feel like cigarettes.

Cannabis electronic cigarette legally sold on the market, or CBD electronic cigarette (cbd disposable vape pens)(CBD,  cannabinoid, is a non psychoactive ingredient in cannabis plants).

The general CBD atomizer is mainly composed of two parts: battery and small oil cylinder. The CBD oil cylinder adopts a disposable box that is easy to use, and then uses the button or screw to make the battery work to supply power to the heating wire to generate heat. Such simple operation drives the atomization evaporation to produce smoke effect.


CBD has been proved to be free from dependence, addiction and hallucinogenic ingredients.

In addition, CBD has been proved to be effective in relieving spasms, inflammation, chronic pain, anxiety, insomnia, nausea, mental stress, depression, headache and other health problems.

Recently, the World Anti Doping Agency (WADA) publicly announced that the World Anti Doping Agency (WADA) had removed “CBD Cannabinol” from the list of banned drugs for competition. It may not be clear what CBD Cannabinol is, but you must be impressed by the launch of “Xiaoma” Diaz’s public smoking “CBD  Oil” at the UFC 202 post competition conference.


In the post game press conference of UFC202, “Xiaoma” Diaz publicly smoked an electronic cigarette. When asked by the media reporter what substance he was smoking, he replied without any obscurity: “This is CBD oil, which can help me recover more quickly and also cure some inflammation, so I will vapor some before and after the game, which can make you feel good.”


The main component of “CBD oil” is “cannabinoid”, which is one of 113 active cannabinoids of Indian hemp and was strictly prohibited in the past. At that time, Diaz, who publicly smoked “Cannabinol CBD”, was also punished by the Nevada Sports Commission. But now, “Cannabinol CBD” has been removed, which is also due to the influence of “Xiaoma” Diaz, making people re-examine “Cannabinol CBD”.


In recent years, with the legalization process of cannabis in the United States and Europe, a new demand has emerged in the electronic atomization industry – cannabinoid (CBD) electronic  oil and atomizer. In China, there is a factory that legally extracts cannabinoid (CBD) pharmaceutical raw materials.


Several medical institutions in the United States and Europe have injected CBD into electronic atomization devices to help patients who need to treat diseases. Studies have proved that “CBD essential oil” can improve the bioavailability of cannabinol, with gastrointestinal absorption of 6%, sublingual mucosa absorption of 30%, and atomized alveolar absorption of more than 50%. Electronic smoke atomization devices can improve the acceptance of patients and give full play to the medicinal value of CBD, It provides a new way to treat patients with diseases.


CBD cannabinol induces macrophages to attack and force cancer cells to apoptosis, thereby inhibiting the proliferation and growth of various cancer cells. Its powerful anti-inflammatory ability makes CBD cannabinol have an inhibitory and therapeutic effect on cancer. Today, CBD is already a daily health care tonic for many people in the United States. This product with smoking cessation effect is expected to help people who smoke all the year round and fear lung cancer to quit smoking and “clean their lungs”. If you live in a smoggy city, it is a necessary lung washing tool.


Health is the development direction of electronic cigarette. If you leave health, you will die.

Therefore, it should be emphasized that smoking is harmful to health.

So remember to cherish life and keep away from drugs.

With the growing popularity of CBD electronic cigarette (cbd disposable vape pens)in the world, more and more people understand and use it, and the cbd disposable pod device is also rising rapidly.

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