Published On: March 29, 2023613 words3.1 min read

Many friends don’t pay attention to the name when making brands, which leads to many difficulties in the later promotion. Especially in the consumer goods industry, the brand name is particularly important.

First of all, I attach great importance to the design of brand names. I think brand names are the foundation, which will greatly affect the success or failure of the project in the later stage.

Two key problems to be solved by brand name:

1 Customer’s memory efficiency of brand

That is to say, when we tell consumers our brand, whether customers can remember our brand. There is also the probability that customers will remember us.

2. Customer’s brand communication efficiency

Whether the brand name is catchy or not is the key factor in the process of customer communication. After customer A finishes eating, it will be communicated to her colleague B. At this time, if he encounters obstacles when expressing the brand name, it will greatly affect the communication efficiency.

We have done Internet advertising for a long time and have a deep understanding of advertising. We will pay close attention to the above two points when naming.

So what kind of name is a good name?

I have summarized the following five points: the names that meet these five points will generally have high communication efficiency, and those that do not meet these five points will often have low communication efficiency. It will cost countless more advertising expenses.

1. Simple

A name must be simple. If you can use two words, you’d better not use three words. If you can use simple words, you should not be complicated. Because only simple, it is easy to remember, because easy to remember, it is easy to spread.

2. Easy to remember

These elements are interlinked, but are they easy to remember? In fact, many names are simple, but not easy to remember,

So easy to remember is one of the key elements to measure a brand name.

3. Easy to associate

How can we remember a brand name? The core is easy to associate. People will strengthen their memory through association. So easy association is one of the key elements for us to test a brand name.

4. Easy to spread

Basically, the combination of the first few elements can achieve the elements that are easy to spread. One thing is that when spreading a brand, the brand should be catchy, and it should be easily typed with five strokes of input, so that the communication efficiency will be much higher..

5. High recognition

Many names are simple and easy to remember, but the recognition is not high. There are many such cases on the street. However, it is difficult to identify from a group of brands, which leads to the difficulty of memory transmission.

6. Familiarity

From this point of familiarity, we can see that the name of the Internet is basically the zoo. From Tmall to Sogou, to Tuniu, and so on are all named after animals. There is also a Panda Appliance. What it has already remembered is easy to remember, and what it has not remembered is not easy to remember. So we will find Xiaomi mobile phone when naming. Apple phones use existing names, so they are particularly easy to remember.

So the success of the brand starts from the name.In our cannabis industry,cookies‘s success is one of the powerful evidence.

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