Published On: March 29, 20231148 words5.7 min read

First: Global perspective

Second: benchmarking path capability

Third: Clear operational map

First: the overall perspective

To be an enterprise, we should have a sense of the overall situation and a view of the overall situation. We should observe and find problems from the top perspective and the boss’s perspective. It is said that those who do not seek the overall situation are not enough to seek a region.

This is also what Ali said, “look at your hair in the mirror when you smell the smell,” and “pull your hair” means to look at your superiors.

What are the mission, vision, values and long-term strategic objectives of the enterprise? How to align with the company’s strategic objectives?

I found that many entrepreneurs often get involved in specific affairs when they reach a certain scale. They are busy every day and are solving specific problems every day. In this case, the leverage ratio is often low.

At this time, I think only by returning to God’s perspective and the boss’s perspective find the main contradictions and problems of the company, and the more important growth point.

I also found that many new managers, managers or professional managers have the same problems.

The leverage ratio is often not high at work. The biggest problem is actually the lack of overall awareness and the inability to align with the goals of the superiors. The leverage ratio of the things done is often not high, which is often the difference between bosses and professional managers.

When we return to the boss’s perspective and the overall perspective, the priority of what we do will often change.

So we should jump out of the department’s perspective and go back to the whole company and think in the big strategic direction, so that we can often align with the goals of leaders or bosses. Such managers can often solve things with more leverage.

Second: find the benchmarking path

The management of traditional catering and food enterprises basically does not need innovation, because there are mature management models for reference.

It is also the best, fastest and most effective way to learn from benchmarking companies.

Find benchmarking companies, benchmarking enterprises, benchmarking brands, learn immediately, solidify first, then ossify, and then optimize is the best learning method and best learning path.

Don’t seek distance from the near. Not far away is often a solution. The fastest way is to follow the path.

I found that entrepreneurs are often very diligent. They attend various training classes, read various books, learn, grow and recharge. There is no mistake. I often participate in various studies. But I think there is leverage in learning this matter. Some have high learning leverage, and some have average learning leverage.

Management itself is about finding higher leverage. The highest leverage ratio is often to learn with goals and problems. What is the best way to learn and grow? I think it is to find benchmarking enterprises and learn from benchmarking brands.

For a catering and food company, it is actually a traditional company. This industry is a company with a mature management system.

If we want to learn from Internet companies and technology companies, the path will be a little farther, because different companies have different management methodologies. The situation we are facing is different. So we may have different opinions. The more we learn, the more confused we become. For catering companies, if we want to find the target brand, we just need to study its growth path and solutions?

Companies that do a good job. What is the method path? What important decisions did he make at different stages? What are their actions and plans? A better company at this time. Learn how to find their way. Efficiency is the highest in learning.

It is better for us to learn from well-known large companies that are close to our own business.

Third: panoramic battle map

The first is Longzhong village.(that’s a place mentioned in ancient chinese story)

Longzhong has learned in our middle school textbooks. The core meaning is that Zhuge Liang gave Liu Bei a map. This map is larger than Liu Bei’s original cognition. Liu Bei took Jingzhou first. Then go to Sichuan. At last, the battle map with such a panoramic view of the Central Plains won a very important victory, and it is also a very powerful strategy, which is the strategic ability to pass through a larger perspective.

  • The second is a case told by Luo about why Cai Yuanpei became the Minister of Education.

In other words, when the Republic of China was just established, Sun Yat-sen announced in Nanjing that he was the president of the People’s Republic of China. The education chief of the first government was Cai Yuanpei. Cai Yuanpei asked Sun Yat-sen, where is the office of the Ministry of Education? Sun Yat-sen replied that he should solve it himself.

ok On the same day, Cai Yuanpei carried a big seal in his pocket, took a rickshaw to look for a place in Nanjing, and finally found three rooms on the second floor of a small building in Beiting Lane, which is the Ministry of Education.

The Ministry of Education issued two decrees on the day of listing. The first is to change the name, change the churches into a school, and change the supervisor into a principal. The second is to start compiling textbooks. Then I found people like Ye Shengtao, Feng Zikai and Tao Xingzhi and began to write primary school textbooks. The text of the first lesson of the Chinese lesson, after repeated deliberation, has six words: “Come, come, come to school.”

Look at this scene and start a big business. What posterity will see is that the conditions are simple and the people involved are unaware of it. People do things not depend on resources, but on the map in their hearts.

The third is that our partner, Mr Ma, said that a project made after the resignation of the chairman of a listed company was also listed.

He had a colleague who was the chairman of a state-owned company. Like Jobs, he was dismissed by the board of directors. Because he was listed with the whole company, he has a clear battle map. But after he left, he started a new company. In a few years, the company was listed. In fact, it is not how strong he is, but what he has in mind with the enterprise. Although we all think his project is not very good, this company is also listed. This shows that the ability to have that picture in mind is very important.

This shows the importance of having that panoramic map. Where can I find this map? It is the people who have experience who come and have results, and the people who have seen the system who learn to consult.

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