Published On: June 8, 2023522 words2.6 min read

I believe that 80% people should be able to associate the essence of business with value.

On this point, last year during a live broadcast, I blurted out a sentence with a friend, ‘There is no blank space for products, only a blank space for value’.

People with different thinking abilities and business experience have a wide range of feelings when reading this sentence, and many friends who have not started a business may even say they cannot understand it.

Actually, this sentence is very meaningful. It is very suitable for guiding us to think correctly when selecting projects.

Because most people usually start businesses from the perspective of whether there is a gap in the product or market. Finding projects that no one has done is the most reliable for them.

Once they find it, they will feel that they have found a New World. Those who are mysterious about their projects are mostly in this category, unaware that they are at the bottom of the commercial food chain.

At that time, I had a homemaker at my business school, and upon hearing this, I immediately added a new project called “Japanese style moving” to the company.

The so-called “Japanese style moving” is to provide users with a one-stop service of organizing, packaging, and moving, allowing them to easily move without starting after placing an order. It is very useful for people who are too busy with things and are too lazy to tidy up. I heard from him that the company’s performance reached a new high in those months.

He can succeed not because there is no such product in the market, but because he has seized the value gap and provided the ultimate service, which is a very important point.

If you can truly understand the phrase ‘there is no product blank, only value blank’, your understanding and cognition in business have surpassed that of most ordinary people, and the success rate of doing business will naturally increase significantly.

So with value, innovation is necessary. Innovation is actually reshaping in terms of value.

What kind of thing is innovation?

Previously, there was a student at Mike who created a product called the iPen. Slogan is the USA owned iPhone, and there are iPEN in China. It has several functions, and what impressed me the most was that it not only can write, but also is actually an emergency power bank.

This product may seem to have innovated a lot, but in reality it is not truly innovative.

Innovation does not necessarily need to be based on the appearance of the product, but can be in terms of channels, products, functions, and even geographical location.

Innovation is a creative thing that requires you to imagine, so we won’t expand on it here.

Let me give you a simple checklist. No matter what kind of entrepreneurial project you are working on, please ask yourself these three questions first:

1.What group of people have I satisfied with what I have done?
2. What services/products are these people currently using and where is my differentiation?
3.If so, will my differentiated users pay for it?

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