Published On: March 29, 20232026 words10.1 min read

How to give your product a good name?

When we talked about brand strategy, we emphasized two principles, that is, one is to reduce the memory cost of the product, the second is to reduce the communication cost of the product. A good product name can greatly reduce the cost of others to remember us. Now we are talking about how to choose a brand name that can reduce the memory cost of users. If you want to be remembered, you can only use two points, one is special, The other is called repetition, so we should try to lean on these two points when we choose names .Let’s talk about repetition first. How do we make use of repetition when we choose a brand name? There is something in the user’s mind that has been repeated millions of times. We just need to take a ride. This is also a repetition. We just need to use them, just the name that they have repeated millions of times. In the field of entrepreneurship, there is a very famous saying, “hitchhiking entrepreneurship”, that is, when someone else has created half of the business, we take his car, and then follow them to start a business, so that we can save a lot of trouble from zero to one, such as when we are building a brand, This can also be used. For example, when I was eating Fried Rice at a restaurant, Fried Rice was called Hermes Fried Rice. When I was hungry, I went to order. When I saw this Fried Rice, my appetite was boosted. Why? Because when I looked at the name, I thought it was a very high-end, grand and luxurious Fried Rice. Hmm, however, the products of this store were not up to standard, because when I ordered a Fried Rice, I found that it only cost me 20 yuan. To be honest, when I ordered it, I thought it would cost 50 yuan. If their products could be priced higher, It would be better to match the name of Hermes Fried Rice. Of course, this is also a semi-infringement, but if Hermes comes to sue them, the store will be on fire. This is not the key point. I just want to tell you this case. This is called hitchhiking. We should try to hitchhiking when we name the product. It is better not to make it by ourselves, and it is better not to make it by ourselves. In fact, except that Hermes has been repeated a lot in users’ minds, There are many symbols, which are actually pre-installed in the user’s mind, such as animals, plants, fruits and living objects, cats, dogs, cattle and sheep, oranges, pears, grapes, apples, rice, millet, wheat, sorghum, nails, hammers, scissors, etc., all of which are inherent in the user’s mind. Our brand name is to take a ride with these inherent symbols, So you can see that many brand names are very, very linked with these symbols, such as Apple Mobile, Hammer Mobile, Xiaomi Mobile, Flying Pig Travel, Sesame Credit, Jaguar, BMW, Red Bull, melon seed used car, Tmall, Xiaoniu Electric Vehicle, Beast pie flowers, Piglet Short Rent, etc, It’s all connected with the inherent symbol in the user’s mind. Why do they choose such a name? Because such names are easy to remember, we can use the principle of repetition in the memory principle. Of course, it is not that all brand names should think in this direction, such as JD, Netease, Taobao, Pinduo, Sony, Nokia and Dell. These brands are completely related to this actual object and are not related to these symbols. They just made up a word, but think about it. First, when they started their business, the consumer’s mind was not polluted. No matter what name you choose, it is very special. Because it is very special, it is easy to remember. This is one of them. Second, they are also rich now. Money can be capricious. If you have money, you can also put a lot of advertisements, You can continue to burn money. If you are confident to throw a strange word into the user’s mind, then you can also take these strange words. It is also good to create a word from zero to one. Of course, I don’t recommend you to do this. In the post-marketing era, you’d better go for a ride, because it can really save you a lot of money. Speaking of this, I suddenly think of a thing, A lot of friends, when naming their own goods, always like to use a few English letters, and then add numbers to name them, for example, RQX7501, a code like this to represent a certain product, but is it really good? Actually, it is not good. Why? Because it’s too hard to remember.

For example, when I talk about Rand Kuluze, you may not know what it is, but if I talk about a land cruiser, you will know immediately. Isn’t this the SUV of Toyota?? If we have the right to name the goods, I don’t recommend you to use the form of English plus code, unless you have too many goods, but if there are too many goods, you can also package them into a solution as a whole, and then give it a specific name. In short, if we have the right to name the goods, it’s better to call them land cruisers, Rather than the name of Rand Kuluze, let’s return to the topic of how to remember brand names. Here, to make a brief summary, with a lot of cases mentioned above, we have summed up a principle: the so-called good brand name is that it must be an auditory word. As long as you remember this principle, it will not go too far. What is an auditory word? For example, in 2018, I plan to buy a suite for my parents in Changsha. It seems that there is a well-decorated room, especially for my appetite. What is the name of the building? Let me show you the name of the building. I haven’t remembered it yet. The name of the building is Xuhui Mandarin Nanchen Mansion. It’s beside the Changsha high-speed railway. The location is not bad. So after I saw many suites, I decided to buy this one. But when I really planned to buy it, I suddenly realized that I had completely forgotten the name of the building. I vaguely remembered that there was a word “Xu” in it, It seems that there is a word “language”, and then I forget everything else. What happens? I can only try to find the name of the building on Baidu Map and see if I can find it through this word and this word. But where is the name of the newly-opened building? I can only call all the agents in my hand and ask them one by one. But there are many number of agents on the mobile phone, so it’s too troublesome. At last, I remember that I seem to have taken their brochure with me when I left that day, so I can only see the name after digging through the box and taking out their brochure, The name of this building was originally called Xuhui Mandarin Nanchen Mansion. Of course, I didn’t buy it for many other reasons. The main reason is that the mobility of Changsha houses is not very high. I don’t think the cost performance is very high. You can have a look. If the name of this building is not called this, if it can be called Sunshine City or wutong Garden, will I forget it? I can’t forget it. So, like wutong Garden, it is an auditory word. When I hear this word, I immediately know how to write it, and then I can think of the corresponding symbol in my mind. But the name of Nanchenfu in Xuhui Chinese is not an auditory word. For example, if you tell me such a name 100 times, I may forget it every few days. I basically know all the words of the name, but I can’t remember them together. So think carefully. If you say the name of your brand, it is not an auditory word. For example, the name of your product is Shenzhen Lanzeku Lanzelukus led technology Co., Ltd, What’s more, your Facebook and other social media accounts are all with such names. How much does it cost for users to remember you,? How much money do you have to spend to make others remember you? Think about it. I want to see if your brand name is an aural word at present. In fact, there is a very simple way to do a test. Let your salesperson make a strange call to the customer. In the process of making strange phone calls, you usually have to report the name of your company to the customer. If your salesperson can let the customer know how to write your brand name in five seconds, your word is an auditory word, such as Blue Snail, which is a very auditory word, and is very suitable for making brand names, If your salesperson wants to tell the customer one letter at a time, hey, our company’s name is lanzeelocos, yes, double e and then locos, lanzeelocos Repeat one word for one word. Do you think you should use such words to make a brand? You should be careful! This brand name is not impossible, but it may really burn money. Of course, if there are no powerful competitors in your industry, or if you are really rich, you can be at will. Well, he made a comment on the word “name” during the interpretation of the text. What is the name? The name is self-identified. The name of the person who comes from the mouth is also self-identified. What does this passage mean? It means that in the early social interaction, people can know each other through the body, face, and voice when they meet in the daytime, but once it is the night, it is the time of the dark. Once it is the night, they can’t see each other, and they can’t see each other clearly, so they can only tell you and me by their names. This is one of the notes of his words, which is very reasonable. So we can also draw a very important conclusion from this note, that is, the name is used to call, not to see. Please remember this. Let me answer two classic questions. First of all, can the product name be inconsistent with the registered trademark? Of course, you can. For example, your company’s name is really Shenzhen Lanlukelan Local Technologies Co., Ltd., and you have a lot of large equipment, large mechanical equipment, so you can package these large mechanical equipment into a set of products and solutions, and then what do you want to call it, for example, big boy, can you? Of course, it’s OK, because Big Boy must have been registered abroad, and we can’t register it either. But this name must be usable. Just the website, or our social account, can have such a name. It doesn’t matter at all. Will infringement happen later? Maybe, but it mostly affects the brand words we put in. When we put in the brand words, it may be affected, but in other places, it will not be affected too much, and like the vertical field, it generally will not cause. For example, like the Hermes Fried Rice we are eating, do you think Hermes will notice? Certainly not. So, in a word, if you choose a name, you don’t need to be consistent with your registered trademark. Of course, the best way is to scramble for words like big boy and bluesnail when you register your trademark. But I strongly don’t recommend you to use a name like “lanzeelocos” to register.

The brand name is used to call, not to see.

The last part of the article: ,pls read it.

To be continued~~~~~~~~~`

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