Published On: March 29, 2023696 words3.5 min read

Why do you want to make a company brand?

I know many people think that the company brand can only be done by feeling, or just do it casually. But this means that you may not pay enough attention to the brand. So no matter how effective the strategy I mentioned later is for you, if you don’t want to think about this problem clearly, the brand is empty for you, so the first step to do anything is, Always think clearly why you want to do it. In my opinion, the reasons for making the company’s brand are as follows:,

First of all, the profit is high enough. If your company has a brand, your profit point may be a little higher than that of your peers. For example, a friend who works in the hardware accessories industry, because his company’s brand is good, so the profit of the goods he sells is generally much higher than that of his peers. In fact, everyone sells the same hardware accessories. Why can he sell more expensive than others, Moreover, customers trust him very much and are willing to pay for it. This is because he has a strong and powerful brand to make customers agree with him. So this is the first reason why we must be a company brand.

The second is that the order is more stable. If you operate a factory, you will know that if the order is not stable enough, the damage to the company is actually very big. The second reason for the brand is that you will find a good brand after re-marketing. It will be especially helpful for websites and ACUs, and also for your social accounts. So at the same time, the brand is also the key point of word-of-mouth marketing. If your brand can form a stable word of mouth among customers, you will have a greater probability of obtaining continuous and stable orders and inquiries.

The third reason is that it can help our company accumulate influence, which is actually equivalent to our company’s invisible wealthInfluence will greatly affect the income of a salesperson in the future. This conclusion also applies to the company level. If a person can slowly accumulate influence, his income curve is a compound interest curve, and the company is also the same. If the company can slowly accumulate influence, the income curve is also a compound interest curve. A company, in fact, must find a curve that can compound interest. You must find that long runway. Only if our runway is long enough, will it be more imaginative in the future. You may say, I am a OEM and I can’t make my own brand. What should I do? You should build a brand for your service, not for the products you produce. The concept of brand may be different. We will make it clear to you later that even if you are OEM, it doesn’t matter. You can also build a brand.

The fourth reason is that if our company has a good brand, customers will be more loyal to us. If we want customers to keep returning orders, we can only make money from one customer repeatedly, which will make our income rise very fast. The key point is whether the customer is willing to continue to place orders with you. A good brand can influence the purchaser’s decision. As long as the customer has formed loyalty with you, he will continue to give you repeat orders. Only if there are more and more customers who give us repeat orders, can the company expand rapidly. Of course, there are many reasons for building the company’s brand, but I think the most important thing is the above four points, namely, the profit is high enough, then the brand quantity is more stable, then the influence can be accumulated, and finally the loyalty of customers will be higher. I hope that every executive or boss of the operating company should pay attention to the brand, brand and marketing? We must do it in person and try not to outsource.

That’s all for today’s sharing. Welcome to communicate with me!

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